Friday, February 24, 2012

Getting this blog going...

I got the idea to start this blog when a book shelf I painted for my niece (below) got attention on pinterest. I noticed that a lot of people link their photos on pinterest onto their own blogs where they share their projects and crafts so I thought it would be fun to do the same. 
Raegan's Shelf

 I'm always trying different projects and working with different mediums. I've tried everything from sewing, crocheting, knitting to jewelry making and re-purposing items. Here's some of my jewelry: 

A few of the rings I've made.

Right now i'm working on my first re-purpose project! It's a 1940's storm window frame that i'm going to re-purpose into an organizational board. I'm going to do a separate post on this project so that I can share my first re-purposing experience. Thanks for checking out my blog! 
Here's a link of the site that I found my inspiration for the window frame from: Window Ideas!

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